Axial Photography: Blog 2020-03-16T06:24:00Z (C) Axial Photography Axial Photography [email protected] Fair to Partly Cloudy!

One of the most unpredictable barriers for a location weather.  I don't care how much equipment you have or the extent of your preparations......Mother Nature will still show you who is boss.

I have tangled with her a time or two.  She loves tossing reflectors, knocking over make-up kits and plotting the demise of our cameras.

We even had the pleasure of her company on what was "supposed" to be a stunning garden shoot.

All that being said, I personally LOVE to shoot in all kinds of weather.  Just wish I knew ahead of I can plan around it.

Oh and no offensive to the meteorologists.....but you guys are absolutely no help at all.  Think I will still to researching and "winging it" on my own.

Note:  Some of our most amazing shots include a little rain!
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2012-04-15T16:00:00Z 2012-04-15T16:00:00Z Black and White vs Sepia

Let's start with black and white.  EVERYONE and everything looks fantastic in black and white.  I repeat, EVERYONE and everything looks fantastic in black and white.  People look younger, fresher, even toned skin......etc.  My favorite pictures are always flipped black and white and offered to the client.....usually without additional cost.

I want people to see the beauty in each person, place or thing....outside of the saturated colors adding to their beauty.

Sepia is one of my favorite tools in photography.  It gives what black and white offers, with warmth added.  I love, love, love the depth it adds to an already breath taking photo.

Axial Photography shoots in all three......color, sepia, blk/wht......sometime we shoot all color and flip some selections after the fact.

If you really want to see the the multiple views of "YOU", just hire us and ask for all three formats.

Then hang on for one heck of a ride!
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2012-02-20T09:26:00Z 2012-02-20T09:26:00Z Sick Day

The owner and head photographer is NEVER, I repeat NEVER where is he?  

There are always those unplanned for involved in a car accident.  It does little good to wasn't your fault when everything hurts and your car is gone.

Hands are ok......but everything else hurts.  

Life gets put on hold.  Are you ready for that?  Can you handle not being in control?
Reschedules?  Empty calendar?  Employees without work?

Thank goodness for recovery and.....the often spoken of "light at the end of the tunnel".  Where would we be without hope?

No worries......he is healing nicely and will be back behind the lens in no time.
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2012-02-13T15:31:00Z 2012-02-13T15:31:00Z Wait! When was that taken?

I love some of the requests from our clients.  Of course everyone wants to be thinner (myself included).

But you just have to love that fact that NONE of us looks like ourselves once a picture has been retouched.  Retouched?  Perhaps we should call it redone.

I am not mocking those that do it.....I never....ever....release a picture I am in without removing the dark circles under my eyes....and "slightly" altering my butt.

I know someday I will have wrinkles to remove....(been lucky in the department so far) and cover some gray that I didn't have time to take care of....someday.

I just find it interesting that our lack of satisfaction in ourselves has found a new outlet.  No surgery required!

I do love making people feel good about themselves and proud to show their pictures.  It is a part of the job that leaves me satisfied.

I do so enjoy the extremes......putting a model on the moon.....or floating in mid air.

I just have to remind me that, at the end of the day.....those darn circles and big booty will still be there....  *sigh*

Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2012-01-09T09:06:00Z 2012-01-09T09:06:00Z Here's to 2011 and many more years to come.......

To our dear friends, colleagues and clients:

We wanted to take a moment and thank you for a very productive and fascinating year.  Here is to 2012 being much more of the same....and better.

We appreciate each and every one of you!

Happy New Year
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2011-12-27T06:24:00Z 2011-12-27T06:24:00Z Lights, Camera.......Christmas Card?

The seasons bring different clients to our door.  April and May is filled with young people clutching their cap and gowns, ready to face the world.  May, June and July bring the brides... anxious and excited.  September and October for some reason are both filled with new models ready to make a name for themselves.  Then we have the holidays.....a sprinkling of the above well as family after family after family.  We seem to do more family portraits in those last two months, than any other time of year.

By January, we are ready to start all over, but we love the hustle and bustle of happy families...straightening ties, smeared lip stick and crying babies.  Perhaps this is one reason we still practice multiple areas of photography.  There is always something new and exciting going on.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

Merry Christmas from Axial Photography to you!
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2011-12-14T18:24:00Z 2011-12-14T18:24:00Z Spooky Shoot
Photography is ALWAYS a lot of well as work.  However Certain themes make it much more of an adventure, zipping the creativity to an all new level.  One of our favorites is the spooky atmosphere of October.  Even those among our staff members who claim to have been birthed prior to receiving any creativity.....get into the groove rather quickly.

What a magical time for all involved.  We must admit to requiring more from the models, almost as if we truly believe they can fly.

Take advantage to the extra boost of fun and excitement, as well as the perfect weather.

Who says you need an extra sunny day to take a good picture?  Besides, great pictures come from within.
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2011-10-14T11:59:00Z 2011-10-14T11:59:00Z Height matters.....sometimes.
A model can thin him or herself out, condition and color their hair, use products and foods to improve skin.......but who can do anything about their height?  In fact, when we age, we tend to shrink a little.  Female models have the advantage of the notorious "HEELS".  Despite the love hate relationship we have with them.......every woman owns at least one pair.  Even so, if you dwell in the UNDER 5'5" world as I do, heels only help you appear taller....NOT TALL.  Argh....I feel cheated.  When I was younger, everyone went on and on about my so called beauty and as flattered as I sometimes was, I knew the industry felt different.  If only you were 3 inches taller.  Anyone know of a pain free stretching service?  As I result I spent many a year running around in the appropriately nick named "hooker heels", I was rewarded with angry 40 something year old feet that only stop screaming in sneakers, flip flops or slippers.

Anywho, the best advice I received is passed along to you with all my best intentions.  Wear comfortable shoes....BUT take heels everywhere you go and never interview in anything other than your heels.  Shop for clothes that thin you out.  Stay in shape.  Find a fantastic hair dresser and get a hair cut / style that fits your face and body style...NOT the cut you think will work.  Most importantly, draw attention away from your flaws:

It won't matter how pretty/handsome you are....if you have any of the following....that is what we are all staring at.

1.  If you have a big forehead.....wear a bang or side sweep.  I have given this advice, only to be ignored.
2.  If you have cellulite cover it.  Those size 2 chicks who sport daisy duke shorts and have cellulite....guess what the guys are looking at?  Hint:  It is NOT your lovely behind.
3.  Pimples?  Get products that treat them.....wash your face and put down the fries.  Then, find appropriate makeup to diminish them when working.
4.  Thighs.  Say goodbye to the couch, fast food, skin tight clothing and get out there walking.  If you still can not lose them.....DRESS APPROPRIATELY!  
5.  Yellow teeth......there are affordable products out there and for goodness sake.....use a STRAW!

The biggest mistake potential models make is ignoring their body types.  We now have petite models and plus size models.....but there are still standards.

Everyone is beautiful or handsome.....we just do so much to destroy that.  You may not be able to adjust your height, but everyone can improve their appearance.

I accept my new pear shape and who knows, maybe someday I will LOVE IT!

~Cat  (CFO of Axial Photography)
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2011-10-04T07:23:00Z 2011-10-04T07:23:00Z Middle Ground
One of the hardest parts of my job is trying to re-adjust the perception models have of their job.  Most young ladies and men swing to one extreme or the other in their thoughts on what the position actually is.  No example sticks out further than the "new model".  There are a wide variety of myths to be laid to rest with their young, impressionable minds.  My least favorite is the model who walks in thinking, "My job is just to stand here looking pretty". They are in a tremendous amount of shock when they find out it is actually WORK.  I am accustomed to hearing.....I'm cold....I don't want to get my hair wet.....I can't get on the ground because it is long do I have to hold this feet hurt.....etc.  Then you have the....I won't show any skin....model.  OK, I understand the "no nudity" policy....we have that at our studio....I love saying...."we are not that kind of photographer".  That being said.....have you cracked open a magazine lately?  High heels, slick lips, shoulders.....etc.  If you don't want to be sexy.....DO SOMETHING ELSE FOR LIVING.  Next up is the opposite to this.....your setting up for a head shot and the model whips off her clothes.....HELLO.....!  I guess that is ok....if you want to be bundled into ONE corner of the industry.  Make sure you are ok with your friends, family, spouse and CHILDREN stumbling across your work someday.  There are photographers out there, who live for the young person willing to bare all for the slim chance they will have their 15 minutes of fame.  Make sure that whoever you work with is on the same page as you.....before embarrassing you both.  I try telling new models to leave their crotchless panties at home.  We are NOT that kind of photographer.  Lastly, my personal favorite....the model who shows up thinking they are in charge.....(no new model makes big bucks....and most have done Trade for Work, Exchange for Merchandise or small payment jobs).  No model should walk into a job telling the photographer how to shot, make up artist how to blend, etc.  If your opinion is not asked for.....tight lip it Dear.

The purpose of this blog is not really to vent....but just hopeful that those reading it....will learn from it.....make smart, sound decisions with your career and dwell in the reality of each matter what part of the industry you end up in and long after you leave.
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2011-08-18T07:39:00Z 2011-08-18T07:39:00Z Shooting the male model
I let a sliver of laughter slip through my lips every time I hear someone speak in regards to how EASY it is to work with male models.  Careful people......your lack of experience is showing.  Male models can be just as difficult......just as vain.......just as in-cooperative as female models.  That being said.....this is not a "slam male models" blog.  On the contrary, I rather enjoy working with both.  I find many males who are just.....not convinced they are attractive.....until they see their film.  A great photographer is someone who can take a thing or person......from good to great.  Going through film with a model brings up a flood of emotions, basically leading back to..."you made me feel beautiful, sexy, handsome, desirable.  Many a man has shown up unsure and exited with a cocky swagger.  I enjoy introducing people to their "OTHER SIDE" so to speak.  A job that leaves you with a constant feeling of a keeper in my book.
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2011-06-24T08:19:00Z 2011-06-24T08:19:00Z Special.....Yes We Are!
Taking pictures breathes life into us ways we can never really least not in a way that would "take you there".  Blogging is fun and creative in it's own right.  But let's not forget about the part clients love....other than seeing how stunning we can make them.  $$$$  Thanks me the money....or rather.....give me a discount.  Everyone wants to find that better deal, while still getting great service / product.  Our marketing director works very hard....finding the perfect offer and sprinkling our name all over the web and here in the real world too.  She creates that perfect balance between making us and the client happy.  What would we do without her?  Let's not go there.  Besides....we LOVE, I mean truly LOVE giving our clients something extra.  See for yourself by clicking the discount link to have for lunch.......

Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2011-05-23T06:35:00Z 2011-05-23T06:35:00Z Checking out the models......together?
Everyone knows that a fashion photographer is always on the hunt for new models.......that special someone who sticks out in a crowd.  That is everything else.......WE DON'T DO NORMAL.  We are a husband and wife team.  How weird is it when a wife leans over and whispers....."What about that one she is pretty hot?"  If you could only witness the looks we get.  But we make an awesome team, both bringing something great to the table.  You can't beat a well rounded, on the same page, roaring past the masses team.  And, it doesn't hurt when you can check out chicks together and no one gets upset.  You understand that work is work.  Dedication to a common dream pushes pettiness to the background and respect for each other is the star of the show.

And that...... ladies and gentlemen is what a GREAT team is all about.
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2011-04-29T15:37:00Z 2011-04-29T15:37:00Z An Introduction
What started as a hobby, almost without notice, became a passion.  Somewhere along the way, the passion sparked a business idea.....with no time for looking back or second guessing.

Family owned and operated......with a goal toward excelling client expectations.......topped with skills and passion.....what more could you ask for?

Welcome aboard.....enjoy the ride.
Axial Photography [email protected] (C) Axial Photography 2011-03-30T08:18:00Z 2011-03-30T08:18:00Z